Other IET Classes
Healing Angels, Steps to Transformation and Higher Steps to Transformation are classes that do not require you to take Integrated Energy Therapy Classes. These classes can be taken in person or through a live online class. They can not be taught as a self-paced learn on your own class.

Healing Angels
“Healing Angels” is ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. Great for students who do not have any IET Training but who love angels. It is also ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Healing Angels (Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah, and Michael) and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. You will learn the special healing gift that each angel brings and a special prayer of invitation to call upon the angel. Everyone from angel novices to experts can benefit from this class. This class is based on a powerful four-step process that enables you to energetically connect with the Healing Angels and develop your personal relationship with each of them. In this class, you will be led by your IET Master-Instructor through this four-step process to systematically focus on each of the Healing Angels. The group energy created in this class will enable you to connect much more powerfully with the Healing Angels than you can do alone. Even “psychic turnips” (those students who cannot feel, see, taste, smell, or sense energy in any way) often have powerful energetic awareness of the Healing Angels in this class.

Steps to Transformation
Quite the opposite of “no pain – no gain”, the motto of these Steps To Transformation programs are “no pleasure – no treasure”. These programs are designed to create an environment of joy-filled energetic expansion and personal transformation. These IET Steps to Transformation programs will help you heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain. In these workshops, the Master-Instructor teaching the class will share their angelic energy connection with you and teach you to establish your own energetic connection with the energy of the Healing Angels. You will learn to use ancient sacred geometry, combined with special techniques that Stevan J. Thayer channeled from Angel Ariel, to “get the issues out of your tissues for good!” In addition to experiencing these Steps to Transformation, you will learn hand mudras that will let you instantly re-activate them anytime. For the optimal transformational experience, we recommend you take the steps in sequence.
Step 1: Heartlink – a simple yet powerful technique a “heartlink” is a connection made with the angelic realm in which you visualize a golden chord going from your heart, through your throat, up through your head, and then up to the angelic realm.
Step 2: 12 Strand DNA – provides a powerful expansion of the first 5 pairs of DNA strands.
Step 3: Clearing Karma – provides a powerful clearing of the issues that cause repeat patterns in life. If you are feeling the “here I am again” feeling then this process is for you. It is also powerful in helping clear the involuntary tendency to hold your life back in order to keep you safe (save as viewed from the pain of your past lives not from the reality of this lifetime).
Step 4: Forgiveness – uses the sacred geometry of the Mer-KaBa to provide a deep clearing of unhealed anger and resentment that can hold you back from claiming your power and living your dreams. The group energy makes this process more powerful when done in a group than when done alone.
Step 5: Empowered Heart – provides an opportunity for you to identify and claim your life’s essential action of service and to use sacred geometry to move through your anger, claim your power and bring the your power to your heart. Very powerful to support you in taking powerful action in your life.
Step 6: Future life progression – you can journey to a lifetime in which you fully empower the energy of your life’s essential action.
Step 7: Freedom – this process lets you cut the cords of codependency that can drain you of your power and keep you in codependent relationships.

Higher Steps to Transformation
Quite the opposite of “no pain – no gain”, the motto of these Higher Steps to Transformation programs are “no pleasure – no treasure”. These programs are a continuation of the Steps to Transformation series and will continue to create an environment of joy-filled energetic expansion and personal transformation. These IET Higher Steps to Transformation programs will help you heal your trauma without having to relive the drama or pain. In these workshops, the Master-Instructor teaching the class will share their angelic energy connection with you and teach you to establish your own energetic connection with the energy of the Healing Angels. You will learn to use ancient sacred geometry, combined with special techniques that Stevan J. Thayer channeled from Angel Ariel, to “get the issues out of your tissues for good!” In addition to experiencing these Higher Steps to Transformation, you will learn hand mudras that will let you instantly re-activate them anytime. For the optimal transformational experience, we recommend you take the steps in sequence.
Step 8: Grid Healing – using the World Angel Grid to bring a healing to yourself and the world.
Step 9: Pure Joy – use the World Angel Grid with the power of the Cherubs to experience the energy of Pure Joy.
Step 10: Compassion – use the World Angel Grid with the Angel Wash Process, Experience Angel Ariel’s Heart Seed Process, let Compassion bloom brilliantly in your life, and travel inter-dimensionally into the Dimension of Love.
Step 11: Homecoming – your personal angel guide will help you to discover your special healing and empowerment Heart light colors, and then work with you to create a safe and powerful inner sanctuary.
Step 12: Unity in Action – use the Unity Shift energy, which moves you to the crystalline vibration, you will journey to the highest angelic realms where, working with the support of your personal angel guide, you will create your own personal crystal key.
Step 13: Ascension Process – use vortex energy and sacred geometry, to merge your Earth Star with your Soul Star to align your life with the energy of the Unity Wave and create the optimal energetic vibration for you to experience Ascension.
Step 14: Being Love, Living Love – align your Heart Star with Unity, move your consciousness into deeper and deeper states of Being and experience Unity Shifts in Being Love that are perfect for you.