
Featured Master-Instructor

Betty Cahill

Betty Cahill

Healing Light Energy

Healing Light Energy

Ballyphilip,, Whitescross , Cork T23P786, Co. Cork, Ireland
Phone: 0863551862
Twitter: Cork


I have for many years been interested in natural healing methods and aware of the body's ability to heal itself given the correct conditions.
By balancing the human energy field which permeates in and around the body we create the correct environment which allows the organs to receive vital nourishment to enable them to function optimally.

Energy imbalances can result in physical/emotional/mental ailments so it is so important to keep this life-force energy circulating freely through and around the body.

Most energy imbalances in the body are caused by negative emotions which are stored in different 'cellular memory' areas in the body...this causes the energy to stagnate in different areas and organs of the body and can create dis-ease.

If energy cannot flow freely for any reason then the person’s health can be adversely affected and may manifest in physical pain, stiffness, lethargy, depression, emotional issues, lack of energy and many other more serious conditions.

‘All illness starts as a problem with one’s energy field’ – Mantak Chia


Integrated Energy Therapy®
Bio Energy Therapy ;
Kundalini Reiki treatments & classes;
Havening Techniques®;
Bio-Field Tuning (using tuning forks);
Bio-Resonance adjustments;
Distance Healing;
Entity clearing (people and buildings).


Integrated Energy Therapy®
Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Levels

IET® for Kids
IET® for Pets
Healing Angels of the Energy Field
Steps to Transformation
Higher Steps to Transformation

Kundalini Reiki Master Certification

This instructor has no classes scheduled at this time.
