Upcoming Classes

New classes are continually being added.  Please check this page often!

Check out our Find an Instructor page to find and contact Master-Instructors or Trainers who offer classes in your area if they do not currently list a class you are interested in.

Please note that not all IET Master-Instructors choose to list the details of their classes on our website.

If the name of a Master-Instructor or Trainer who is offering a class which is listed below is highlighted, it indicates that you can click on their name and will be taken to their Personal Webpage on our site where you can read more about them.

If the date of a class that is listed below is highlighted, it indicates you can click on the date and will be taken to a Class Details page on our site where you can read more about that class.

Classes are offered in one-session format (denoted by the term “Entire Class”) as well as in multiple parts (denoted by the term “Part 1, Part 2, etc”).

Note that you do not have to fill in all the fields. You must use the two-letter abbreviation for the State/Province. Please do not type the full name of the State or Province – so, for example, if you want to see all Classes in New Jersey, just fill in the state field with “NJ” and hit “search”.

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November 24, 2024
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

IET for Kids
Entire Class


$35 if reg by Nov 10

Linda Huitt
