
Meet the Trainer

Barbara Stepniak

Meet IET® MI Trainer Barbara Stepniak

From North Carolina

What first brought you to IET?

I was guided to The Center of Being, Inc part by the divine and part by my interest in alternative therapies. It was a job listing in local community. In the beginning is was just a job but over the years of working there it became my passion.

How long have you practiced IET and tell us about your journey in the modality?

I started working for The Center of Being, Inc in 2009. I became a Master-Instructor in 2010 and an IET MI Trainer in 2017. In 2023 I took over The Center of Being when Stevan Thayer and Carol Armitage retired. I am honored to have this opportunity.

Please share a special highlight during your experience with IET.

The most important aspect I learned so far is the amazing connection that we are able to have with the angels and the divine who are always willing to assist us through our trials and tribulations in life. It has transformed my connections.

How has your work in IET benefitted you personally?

The biggest change I experienced was the ability to surrender and know that what is meant to be will be in divine timing. Understanding and using the techniques on a daily basis has truly transformed the woman I am today. I am in Gratitude to IET.
