
Meet the Practitioner

Seema Ishairzay

Meet IET® MI Practitioner Seema Ishairzay

From Miami, Fl

What first brought you to IET?

I was led to it through a friend who found it. It felt ‘right”.

How long have you practiced IET and tell us about your journey in the modality?

October 2012

Please share a special highlight during your experience with IET.

The body remembers and holds onto guilt, distrust, betrayals etc and this keeps it from living fully from a place of love. IET allows me to hold a space for my client to let go of that which is no longer needed, to integrate, to reset.

How has your work in IET benefitted you personally?

I feel a sense of amazement and gratitude every time I offer this to clients. It brings me to a quiet place within, I feel more alive, more joyful.
