
Featured Master-Instructor

Binh Minh An Nguyen

Binh Minh An Nguyen

the normal me (@normalme.official)

the normal me (@normalme.official)

Ruby 1 (R1) - Goldmark City Condominium, 136 Ho Tung Mau Street, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi, , Vietnam
Phone: +84-94-145-8812


I aim to bring IET(R) to my home country, Vietnam, and expand the Communities worldwide. Since 2022, I have devoted and walked my life, with the guidance of 9 Healing Angels, to the places and people who benefit from my services.

When I was small, I frequently dreamt of seeing myself in a mirror with white light angels surrounding me, granting me a pair of wings. In my dreams, we always made an angelic promise: 'We will meet again under the tree of love.'. Now, my dreams have turned into a Divine Plan.

In early 2019, I experienced a sudden Kundalini Awakening. I'm thankful to be reborn again and to start following my Soul's call. I am now an IET® Practitioner - Master/Instructor. I also practice and facilitate many other modalities, including Usui Reiki, Integrated Self-Inquiry, Meditations, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and Intuitive Reading.

I approach Spirituality as well as Services to Others with a scientific combination. I am an aspiring data analysis expert passionate about deriving insights from data and aiding decisions in conservation, wellness, and recovery efforts. I commit to driving positive impacts in human consciousness expansion, animal recovery, and natural protection.


Greetings from An Nguyen, the heart behind 'the normal me' (@normalme.official). I am a Consciousness Coach and an Energy Healer. I am authorized to teach and offer Integrated Energy Therapy(R) while practicing Usui Reiki (Certified Reiki IIIA level - Member of IARP(R)) and facilitating an interactive psychology technique, Integrated Self-Inquiry.

I love teaching IET(R) and providing healing and coaching services, including Usui Reiki, Integrated Self-Inquiry, guiding meditation, channeling, and intuitive reading.
(1) TRUTH - Nothing is real if it's not true. Many say, 'Nothing stung like the truth’. But what stings the most is the Fear - not daring to face the truth.

(2) LOVE - The statement claimed by social media, ‘Love is blind’, can only be valid if love is wounded or loved without the Heart. The heart is the key to our Soul and only opens with love. Since 1985, Science has proved that the Heart is more than just a pump. The Heart has over 40,000 specialized neurons for sensing, feeling, learning, remembering, and communicating. The heart’s intelligence is the flow of awareness and intuitive experience stored in every cell in our body. So, as IET fundamental, by taking the issues out of the tissues, we ‘heal the world one-heart-at-a-time’®, equivalently to healing the world with our pure love.

(3) FREEDOM—We don’t need to become billionaires or millionaires to be accessible by traveling worldwide. Freedom is allowing ourselves to be free from fears and reveal our authenti...


I'm initiating IET(R) workshops and training in Vietnam, starting with my hometown, Hanoi. I envision the future of a solid foundation for my Vietnamese Community before traveling internationally.

Stay connected @normalme.official. Heartlin...

This instructor has no classes scheduled at this time.
